In all contracts of sale made by Corin Limited, the conditions of sale listed below will apply unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing. Any terms and conditions of the prospective buyer (the Buyer) in its order for goods or products shall have no effect, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing by the Company. In the event of any conflict between the Company's terms and conditions and the Buyer's terms and conditions, the former shall prevail.
4.1. The Products and any other goods delivered by the Company to the Buyer shall remain the sole and absolute property of the Company as legal and equitable owner, until such time as all money due to the Company has been paid by the Buyer, but the risk shall pass on the terms mentioned below.
4.2. The Buyer acknowledges that it is in possession of all such goods as Bailee tor the Company until the Buyer shall have paid the Company the agreed price, together with the full price of any other goods supplied by the Company to the Buyer pursuant to any other contract.
4.3 Until such time as, in accordance with the above provisions, the Buyer becomes the owner of the goods, it will store them on its premises separately from its own goods or those of any other person and in a manner which makes them readily identifiable as the goods of the Company.
4.4 The Buyer's right to possession of such goods shall cease if it does anything, or fails to do anything, which would entitle a receiver to take possession of any assets or which would entitle any person to present a petition for the winding up of the Buyer.
4.5 The Company may, for the purpose of examination or recovery of its goods, enter upon any premises where they are stored or where they are reasonably thought to be stored
10.1 the Buyer shall commit any breach of the above terms or the Buyer compounds with or negotiates for any composition with its creditors generally or permits any judgment against it to remain unsatisfied for 7 days; or
10.2 the Buyer is rendered bankrupt, insolvent, in breach of law or acquired by any other party.
11.1 The Buyer agrees to accept delivery on consignment of the goods by signing the schedule/order acknowledgement and Long Term Consignment Agreement. (Copy available in advance upon request). Additions or subtractions to the Long Term Consignment should be agreed in writing by the Company and the Buyer.
11.2 Risk in the consigned goods shall pass to the Buyer on delivery but property in the goods shall remain with the Company until payment for the goods has been made in full at the stated price.
11.3 The Buyer agrees to make payment in full for any goods lost or damaged or not returned to the Company within the consignment period, which shall not exceed ten days, unless otherwise agreed.
11.4 The Buyer agrees to report to the Company or its representatives full details of goods held on consignment as may be reasonably required by the Company from time to time.
11.5 The price of any goods sold from consignment stock will be subject to a 10% surcharge.
11.6 The Company reserves the right to levy a charge on the use of surgical instruments issued on consignment.
Corin Ltd.
(Registered No. 1910453)
Issued 01 2005
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