
OMNIBotics® total knee replacement

Life beyond limitations

What is OMNIBotics?

OMNIBotics is a robotic-assisted system used by surgeons to accurately plan and perform total knee replacement. Computer guidance allows the surgeon to measure and track the knee anatomy and plan the implant placement to best fit the specific patient. The plan is optimised to restore proper soft tissue balance and leg alignment, two critical factors to knee replacement outcomes1. Robotic instruments are used by the surgeon with computer guidance to ensure the procedure is carried out precisely to plan.

Using these advanced robotics, the OMNIBotics total knee replacement procedure is intended to help patients regain pain-free knee function, return to a normal daily lifestyle, and remain active for years to come.

Patient-specific knee replacement

We’re all different! OMNIBotics surgery uses a patented Bone Morphing™ technology that quickly builds a 3D virtual model of your knee during surgery. This allows your surgeon to accurately plan and execute a customised surgery that is specific to your knee.

Precision leg alignment

Precision leg alignment

Proper leg alignment helps ensure everyday stresses on the knee are evenly distributed. Using the custom 3D model, the OMNIBotics software provides your surgeon with a live virtual plan to accurately create a knee replacement specifically aligned to your body’s mechanical axis.  The surgeon uses the OMNIBot™ cutting guide to ensure the plan is carried out with robotic precision to help ensure your new knee is well aligned.

Balance is everything

Balance is everything

One of the most important factors for a successful total knee replacement is to ensure the ligaments and other soft tissues have equal tensions on both sides of the knee. If the ligaments are tighter on one side, they can cause pain and even reduce the length of time the implant lasts2.

To solve this tightness issue, often surgeons make tiny incisions in the tight ligaments to try and make them the same tension as the looser ligaments on the other side. Unfortunately, these small incisions are imprecise, and may lead to additional swelling and pain.

OMNIBotics is the only knee procedure that has a robotic instrument, the BalanceBot™ to help your surgeon assess and balance your knee. This device is designed to reduce the need for these additional incisions in your ligaments.

Getting back to action, and staying there!

Getting back to action, and staying there!

The OMNIBotics total knee replacement procedure is designed to help you return to a more active daily lifestyle. By incorporating a less invasive protocol, and advanced tools such as Bone Morphing, OMNIBot, and BalanceBot, OMNIBotics patients may experience a quicker recovery with less pain3.


OMNIBotics patients have reported an overall satisfaction rate of 97%, compared to traditional methods which average about 81%4.



Patient flyer

MC 032 Rev F OMNIBotics Patient Flyer Page 1

Find a surgeon using OMNIBotics®

Corin is committed to providing surgeons and hospital staff with the latest technology for total joint replacement. To find a surgeon using Corin technology in your area, use the link below.

Please note that the surgeon finder is currently limited to United States only. 

Find a Surgeon


  1. Ritter MA, et al. The Effect of Alignment and BMI on Failure of Total Knee Replacement. J Bone Joint Surg 2011; 93-A: 1588-96.
  2. Babazadeh et al. The relevance of ligament balancing in total knee arthroplasty: how important is it? A systematic review of the literature.Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2009.
  3. Data on file.
  4. Keggi, et al. Impact of intra-operative predictive ligament balance on post-operative balance and patient outcome in TKA: a prospective multicenter study. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 Jul 13. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-04043-3.


Please note that OMNIBotics availability may vary. It is important to check with your doctor to determine which treatment options are available in your area.