
TriFit CF™

TriFit CF™

The next generation of fit and fill stem philosophy

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The next generation of fit and fill stem philosophy.

Anatomically designed

Anatomically designed

Fit and fill stems aim to achieve early fixation by completely filling the metaphyseal canal and circumferentially engaging the proximal femoral cortex.

The TriFit CF stem is anatomically designed based on extensive 3D analysis of 250 global CT scans1 to create an optimal proximally filling stem suitable for most patient femur types.



Optimised mid-length stem and stem geometry in A/P and M/L plane is designed to ensure effective proximal stability providing maximum engagement in the metaphysis.

The TriFit CF is plasma spray coated proximally and is designed to provide a rough surface to achieve a consistent press-fit which is important for stability.

Secondary stability is achieved with Corin’s Biomimetic Cementless Technology coating of calcium phosphate (CaP) with a microcrystalline structure to promote osseointegration and encourage long term biological stability 2,3,4.




Direct Anterior friendly for minimally invasive surgical approaches for anatomy preservation. The TriFit CF is compatible with Trinity™ advanced bearings.

TriFit CF is part of the TriFit family which offers flexibility intraoperatively thanks to the 'one instrument' platform concept.



  1. Data on file, Corin Group Ltd. Report 1643, TriFit TS CF femoral Head Analysis.
  2. Schwarz M, Kowarsch M, Rose S, and Jani L. (2003). Histomorphometrical and mechanical evaluation of various surfaces on titanium test bodies placed into femora of the Göttinger minipig. Can a resorbable CaP coating increase osteointegration? 49th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, poster.
  3. Becker P, Neumann H, Nebe B, Lüthen F, and Rychly J. (2003). Cellular investigations on electrochemically deposited calcium phosphate composites: Selected papers from the 18th European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2003), Stuttgart, Germany, 2003. (Guest Editors: Michael Doser and Heinrich Planck). Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine, 15(4), abstract.
  4. Broeke R, Alves A, Baumann A, Arts J, and Geesink R. (2011). Bone reaction to a biomimetic third-generation hydroxyapatite coating and new surface treatment for the Symax hip stem. J Bone Joint Surg Br., 93(6), pp.760-768.


Operative Technique

I1438 Rev5 TriFit CF OpTech 0424 cover

Product Flyer

I1540 TriFit CF 2p flyer 0424 cover

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