
Apex Knee™ PS


Apex Knee™ PS


Apex Knee™ PS

Apex ps

Apex PS Box Resection


Apex PS Resection

Apex Knee™

Complete primary total knee implant system to address today’s active patients

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Designed with three specific criteria in mind, Apex Knee addresses stability to improve function, while providing optimal fit, and fixation to promote long term survivorship. These design principles have created a knee replacement system well suited for today's active patients, by combining the best of modern knee replacement philosophies with innovative delivery technologies such as robotics.



Introducing the Apex Knee system: a design focused on function, fit and system versatility, which enables the surgeon to match the specific needs of each patient.

Function and stability

Function and stability

Matching insert conformity to the femur enhances the functional characteristics of the knee and optimises stability throughout range of motion1.

Apex Knee delivers a high-performing total knee implant by prioritizing stability and alignment, empowering active patients to regain their confidence in movement and everyday activities.



Narrow size femur options across the range of sizes to provide best bone coverage.

  • Femoral component overhang of >3mm doubles the odds of knee pain at two years after TKR2.

Asymmetric tibial design that helps to achieve: 

• Optimised tibial rotational positioning3.

• Minimised tibial overhang.



A full range of implant solutions with varying levels of insert constraint in both CR and PS femoral designs, with cemented and porous coated fixation. Modular stem and augment options also available to address more complex clinical scenarios.

Apex Knee™ TiN

Apex Knee™ TiN

The latest addition to the Apex Knee range includes a proprietary coating technology, which provides a dense, thin and uniform ceramic coating, designed to limit metal ion release and improve implant scratch resistance and wear properties4.

Robotic-Assisted Total Knee ArthroplastyThe Apex Knee is available with ApolloKneeTM robotic-assisted technology, providing predictive gap balancing throughout range of motion. Corin offers advanced femoral planning that optimizes gaps and implant position, which has been shown to improve intraoperative accuracy, reduce soft tissue releases and improve postoperative patient satisfaction at 12 months compared to conventional knee replacement5,6,7.

Predictive Balance™

Predictive Balance™

The Apex Knee is available with ApolloKnee™ robotic-assisted technology, providing predictive gap balancing throughout range of motion. Advanced femoral planning optimises gaps and implant position which has been shown to improve intraoperative accuracy, reduce soft tissue releases and improve postoperative patient satisfaction at 12 months compared to conventional knee replacement5,6,7.



  1. Clary, CW., Fitzpatrick, C. K., Maletsky, L. P., & Rullkoetter, P.J. (2012). Improving dynamic mid-stance stability: an experimental and finite element study. Orthopaedic Research Society, 58th Annual Meeting, Poster Number 1044, San Francisco, CA
  2. Mahoney OM, Kinsey T. Overhang of the femoral component in total knee arthroplasty: risk factors and clinical consequences. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2010;92(5)
  3. Martin S, Saurez A, Ismaily S, Ashfaq K, Noble P, Incavo SJ. Maximizing tibial coverage is detrimental to proper rotational alignment.  Clin Orthop Relat Res 2014;472:121-125
  4. ENDOLAB Mechanical Engineering Test Data February 5th 2019
  5. Koulalis D, O'Loughlin PF, Plaskos C, Kendoff D, Cross MB, Pearle AD. Sequential versus automated cutting guides in computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty. The Knee 18 (2011) 436–442
  6. Peters CL, Jimenez C, Erickson J, Anderson MB, Pelt CE. Lessons learned from selective soft-tissue release for gap balancing in primary total knee arthroplasty: an analysis of 1216 consecutive total knee arthroplasties: AAOS exhibit selection. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2013;95(20):e152. doi:10.2106/JBJS.L.01686
  7. Keggi JM, Lawrence JM, Randall AL, Declaire JH, Shalhoub S, Plaskos C Early Clinical Outcomes of a Novel Predictive Ligament Balancing Technique for Total Knee Arthroplasty CAOS Int’l Conference 2019


Operative Technique

KL 018 Rev 0324 APEX KNEE AK3 SurgicalTechnique cover

The Evidence Base

KL 044 rev 0324 Apex Knee Ev base

Product Flyer

TiN coating

KL 032 REV A Apex Knee TiN rebrand cover

Product Flyer

KL 035 Rev 0324 APEX Primary

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