The first Unity Knee™ was implanted back in February 2012 and to celebrate 5 years in market we brought together key opinion leaders from around the globe for breakfast at the European Knee Society on the 21st April. The morning meeting consisted of discussion on implant design led by Professor Jan Victor followed by an update on the clinical performance including early review of fluoroscopy data collected at Gent University, Belgium.
Unity Knee™ (CR and dome patella) recently received a 3A ODEP rating and 2016 saw the first two papers published reporting excellent early outcome data. In line with Responsible Innovation, the Unity Knee™ implant was one of the first implants registered in the UK Beyond Compliance initiative, allowing more comprehensive clinical follow up. Data from the Exeter Knee Unit was included in the conference e-poster session reporting promising 2 year results in terms of function and patient satisfaction.
For more information on the Unity Knee™ platform please, click here.
Clinical papers
Kreuzer et al. (2016) Comparison of Functional Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Two Different Single Radius Implants. Reconstructive review, Volume 6, Number 1, ISSN 2331-2262 (print) · ISSN 2331-2270 (online), April 2016.
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Paszicsnyek T, (2015) Experience with a Modern Generation Knee System: Average 2 Years' Follow-up. Reconstructive review, Volume 5, Number 4, ISSN 2331-2262 (print), ISSN 2331-2270 (online) December 2015.
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