This summer we have been exhibiting at multiple orthopaedic conferences in order to present the latest clinical data from our clinical and surgeon user teams. We are proud to announce this data was awarded top prizes in the Podium and Poster presentations at two recent conferences: CAOS (Computer-assisted Orthopedic Society), and the Florida Orthopedic Society.
The data presented was primarily focused on Corin’s leading technology: Optimized Positioning System™ (OPS™) for total hip reconstruction, and OMNIBotics® for total knee reconstruction. The following presentations were recognised and awarded:
CAOS Top Poster Presentation:
1st Place – “Pelvic Tilt Cannot Be Accurately Predicted Using Anteroposterior Radiographs”, Cizmec Z, et al
- Fellowship-trained adult reconstructive surgeons can correctly predict APPI using an AP radiograph about 50% of the time.
- Our results suggest an under-appreciation of these concepts and the need for further education of the topic.
- We do not recommend that only a single AP radiograph be used in the preoperative workup of a patient undergoing THA, particularly in patients with possible spinal stiffness or deformity
- As the understanding of the hip-spine-pelvis relationships continues to grow, hip surgeons must continue to familiarize themselves with and incorporate functional pelvic concepts into their practice
2nd Place – “Value of Robotics in TKA – An Assessment of a Hospital’s Experience in the CMS Bundled Payment for Care Improvement (BPCI) Model", Jan A. Koenig, MD, Christopher Plaskos PhD, Ellen Jordan, RN
- By integrating robotic TKA into a standardized coordinated evidence-based clinical care pathway, coupled with excellent quality indicators and short term results, we have demonstrated that a further reduction in the overall cost per episode of care is obtainable in a BPCI reimbursement model.
- This supports our premise that Robotic TKA does not have to add significant cost to the TKA procedure and may even be a cost saver in both the short and long term, while also adding significant benefits to the short and long term results of TKA.
- Further long term new and ongoing studies are necessary to further validate this premise
CAOS Top Podium Presentation:
2nd Place: “Early Clinical Outcomes of a Novel Predictive Ligament Balancing Technique for Total Knee Arthroplasty”, John M. Keggi, MD, Jeffrey M. Lawrence, MD, Amber L. Randall, MD, Jeffrey H. Declaire, Sami Shalhoub MS, Edgar Wakelin, PhD, Christopher Plaskos PhD
- Precise soft tissue balance lead to better early outcomes and less pain at 3 months post-surgery
- OMNIBotics with predictive balancing leads to very reproducible gap balance with fewer soft tissue releases required
- A high rate of patient satisfaction was reported (90-95% in the first 3-12 months), far above those typically reported in the literature (80% typically quoted).
Paper will be published in BJJ shortly.
Florida Orthopedic Society:
1st Place Podium Presentation: “The Clinical Variation in Functional Pelvic Tilt between Prospective Total Hip Arthroplasty patients with and without Spinal Fusion”, Stack J, Jones T, Madurawe C, Miranda M
- The “safe-zone” is no longer considered a static entity
- Standing posterior pelvic tilt is more prevalent in patients with sacral fusions than isolated lumbar fusions
- Flatback deformity was found almost exclusively in patients with sacral fusions compared to those with isolated lumbar fusions
- Short 1-2 level sacral fusions had more unfavorable anterior pelvic tilt than both 1-2 level and 3+ level lumbar-only fusions in the flexed-seated position.