Important findings related to spinopelvic mobility and dislocation risk in THA were recently presented at the 2020 ISTA NEWS Scientific Meeting by Chameka Madurawe, OPS Technology Research Coordinator at Corin, on behalf of the Corin clinical team.
Optimized Positioning System (OPS) is a patient-specific preoperative planning technology that can be utilised to evaluate a patient’s joint biomechanics and facilitate optimised component alignment.
This study compared the prevalence of “at-risk” spinopelvic parameters between unstable and stable THA patients, confirming the effects of “at-risk” spinopelvic parameters on postoperative instability. Adverse pelvic mobility was prevalent in 48% of the dislocating hips compared to only 12% in the control group. Excessive standing posterior pelvic tilt, lumbar spine stiffness, and severe sagittal spinal deformity were also highly prevalent in unstable THAs (75% vs 18%). Low pelvic incidence was not significantly different between the dislocating group and controls. These results encourage preop. screening of pelvic and lumbar spine mobility, in combination with customised component positioning to reduce the prevalence of dislocation in primary THA population.
During the discussion one of the panellists, Professor Nico Verdonschot raised a question about the key indicators of patients with high risk of dislocation.
“Based on the results from this study we recommend preoperative functional spinopelvic analysis to define an optimal patient-specific safe zone to minimise the risk of postoperative instability. 2D static preoperative analysis and functional analysis of pelvic motion alone may lead to misinterpretation of patients who exhibit normal pelvic motion but have an adverse spine as being low risk”, said Chameka Madurawe.
This video was provided by the International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA). Corin's Chameka Madurawe presented our findings at the ISTA NEWS meeting, and her video presentation can be found below: