Corin is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a 5A* ODEP rating from the Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP) in recognition of the outstanding clinical performance of the MiniHip™ bone conserving hip, MetaFix™ collarless cementless total hip and the Trinity™ advanced bearing acetabular system.
ODEP independently assess whether orthopaedic implants have reached certain benchmarks in accordance with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for survivorship of total hip replacements. The 5A* rating represents very strong clinical evidence and is the highest rating achievable at 5 years through ODEP.
ODEP reviewed available clinical data and awarded Corin the following ratings:
- MiniHip™ (5A* ODEP rating): MiniHip™ bone conserving hip replacement has demonstrated the ability to conserve bone and soft tissue3, restore biomechanics4 and promote physiological loading5.
- MetaFix™ collarless (5A* ODEP rating): MetaFix™ is a market leading fully coated hydroxyapatite stem, founded on 20 years' experience in cementless technology6,7,8,
- Trinity™ (5A* ODEP rating): Trinity™ advanced bearing acetabular system offers surgeons a wide range of high performance bearing solutions within a versatile system, utilising the clinically proven fixation of Biomimetic Cementless Technology1,2. This rating applies to the Trinity™ system when used in combination with BIOLOX® delta, HXLPE and UHMWPE liners.
These latest ratings add to those Corin has already achieved for its TriFit TS™ cementless tapered femoral stem (3A ODEP rating), Trinity™ with ECiMa™ liner (3A* ODEP rating) and the TaperFit™ cemented total hip replacement (10A ODEP rating).
In line with its commitment to Responsible Innovation, Corin monitors the performance of each of its joint replacements and places a great deal of importance on collaboration with key clinical institutions to deliver strong medical research programmes that support the safe and effective use of Corin implants. Taking its responsibility for patient wellbeing seriously means investing significantly in short, medium and long-term studies and the company supports registries both locally and globally in order to ensure the safe and effective use of its devices worldwide.
Corin will continue to invest significantly in robust clinical research in partnership with leading global clinical centres as well as continuing to innovate in key technologies that allow us to assist surgeons in personalising patient care to help enhance patient's functional outcomes and satisfaction in addition to excellent clinical survivorship.
The latest ODEP ratings can be found at www.odep.org.uk
1. Wood PLR, Deakin S. Total ankle replacement. The results in 200 ankles. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2003; 85-B:3:334.[JF1]
2. Saxler G, Temmen D, Bontemps G. Medium-term results of AMC-unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. The Knee 2004; 11:39-355.
3. Data on file, Corin Group PLC.
4. Jerosch J, Grasselli C, Kothny C. Early and mid-term clinical results with MiniHip short stem replacement. OUP 2012:1(5):202-207.
5. Simpson D, Yeoman M, Lowry C, Cizinauskas A, Vincent G, Jerosch J, Collins S. Load transfer into the proximal femur: why short stems are more advantageous with respect to the mechanical environment. ISB 2011 Brussels.
6. Epinette JA, Geesink RGT. Hydroxyapatite Coasted Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. Expansion Scientifique Francaise. 1995. 2-7046-1470-9.
7. Epinette JA, Manley MT. Fifteen Years of Clinical Experience with Hydroxyapatite Coatings in Joint Arthroplasty. Springer-Verlag. 2004. 2-287-00508-0.
8. Geesink RGT, Manlet MT. Hydroxylapatite Coatings in Orthopaedic Surgery. Raven Press. 1995. 0-7817-0005-1.