OMNIBotics® Hits Global Milestone of 25,000 Total Knee Replacements, with 5,000 Using Unique BalanceBot™ Technology
- A total of 25,000 OMNIBotics total knee arthroplasties (TKA) performed
- 5,000 OMNIBotics procedures have benefited from the latest soft tissue balancing technology, BalanceBot
- Major milestone in delivering more precise ligament balance for better patient outcomes with reduced pain[i][ii]
[March 3rd, 2020] Corin, the global orthopaedic technology business, is proud to announce its OMNIBotics robotic-assisted platform has recently completed 25,000 total knee arthroplasties (TKA), including 5,000 procedures using the BalanceBot ligament balancing robotic device.
The BalanceBot uniquely enables surgeons to predictively balance knee joints by understanding feedback from soft tissue and ligaments throughout the entire range of joint motion.
The BalanceBot is used in the Predictive Balance™ technique in order to accurately predict the effect that implant positioning will have on knee gaps in flexion, extension and midflexion. More precise ligament balance allows surgeons to target knee gaps that correlate with better outcomes and less pain.[i],[ii] The platform can also be used intra-operatively to assess the patient's overall knee stability throughout the full range of motion with the joint in situ.
Dr. Jeffrey H. DeClaire, from the DeClaire LaMacchia Orthopedic Institute, in Rochester, Michigan who is one of the first orthopaedic surgeon to use BalanceBot says,
“OMNIBotics, and the use of the BalanceBot device, is a significant improvement to the field of knee replacement. The ability to plan implant position to best balance the knee’s soft tissues using the Predictive Balance™ software, on top of the consistency and reproducibility that comes with robotics, is remarkable. The immediate results are noticeable and I’m excited to continue monitoring my patients and track their recoveries.”
Features of OMNIBotics
- Robotic-assisted ligament tensioning –accurately predict and consistently achieve post-operative gap balance[iii]
- Robotic guide positioning – more efficient and accurate femoral cuts in comparison to conventional cut blocks[iv]
- OMNIBotics Bone Morphing™ 3D modelling – intraoperative technology creates a 3D model of bones without additional CT or MRI scans
- Supports standardized care pathway – reduce care costs, with further associated reductions in cost and discharge to sub-acute rehabilitation facilities[v]
- Easy to implement and use – short learning curve for clinicians with comparable procedure times to conventional TKA[vi]
Reducing post-operative complications
Up to 20% of TKA patients report dissatisfaction associated with their knee replacement, yet do not require revision surgery.[vii] Often this dissatisfaction can lead to increased post-operative visitations, physical therapy and manipulations under anesthesia. Through multi-centre studies, Corin can confirm high 1-year patient satisfaction scores of 95.5% from BalanceBot procedures compared to 81.4%for non-robotic assisted procedures.[ii]
"The experience gained from over 5,000 surgeries with the BalanceBot has been invaluable to understanding soft tissue balancing and its effects on patient outcomes and future advancements. As a company, we are proud to have reached this major milestone and we continue to provide our customers with innovative technologies which are revolutionizing joint replacement for patients and surgeons.” says, Chris Plaskos, PhD, Corin’s VP of Global Clinical Innovation.
Press Release:
Media information
For more information, interviews, meetings at AAOS and images please contact ROAD Communications on corin@roadcommunications.co.uk or +44 (0)208 995 5832.
About Corin
Corin is a fast-growing international orthopaedic company with a vision is to revolutionize orthopaedics by gaining, understanding and sharing insight at every stage of the arthroplasty experience. The unique combination of advanced technologies, shared knowledge and clinically proven implants is intended to deliver better outcomes and maximize healthcare value for patients, surgeons and healthcare providers.
[i] Wakelin E, Shalhoub S, Lawrence J, Koenig JA, Ponder CE, DeClaire JH, Randall A, Keggi J, Plaskos C. (2019). The impact of intra-operative coronal mid-flexion and flexion balance on early post-operative pain in TKA. AAHKS Annual Meeting 2019
[ii] Keggi JM, Lawrence JM, Randall AL, Declaire JH, Shalhoub S, Plaskos C Early Clinical Outcomes of a Novel Predictive Ligament Balancing Technique for Total Knee Arthroplasty CAOS Int’l Conference 2019;
[iii] Shalhoub, S., Lawrence, J.M., Keggi, J.M., Randall, A.L., DeClaire, J.H. and Plaskos, C. (2019). Imageless, robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty combined with a robotic tensioning system can help predict and achieve accurate postoperative ligament balance. Arthroplasty Today, 5(3), pp.334–340.
[iv] Koulalis, D., O’Loughlin, P.F., Plaskos, C., Kendoff, D., Cross, M.B. and Pearle, A.D. (2011). Sequential versus automated cutting guides in computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty. The Knee, 18(6), pp.436–442.
[v] Koenig, J.A. and Plaskos, C. (2019). Total Knee Arthroplasty Technique: OMNIBotics. Robotics in Knee and Hip Arthroplasty, pp.167–183.
[vi] Keggi JM, Plaskos C. Learning Curve and Early Patient Satisfaction of Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty. ICJR Transatlantic Orthopaedic Conference, 2016
[vii] Golladay, G.J., Bradbury, T.L., Gordon, A.C., Fernandez-Madrid, I.J., Krebs, V.E., Patel, P.D., Suarez, J.C., Higuera Rueda, C.A. and Barsoum, W.K. (2019). Are Patients More Satisfied With a Balanced Total Knee Arthroplasty? The Journal of Arthroplasty, 34(7), pp.S195–S200.