Next generation ceramic coating designed to address metal ion release
Following completion of a multi-center evaluation, Apex Knee™ -TiN has been cleared for wider product release. This advanced ceramic coating provides a dense, thin and uniform layer, designed to limit metal ion release and improve implant scratch resistance and wear properties.
Apex Knee continues to demonstrate low revision rates. At 3 and 5 years APEX CR has a cumulative percentage revision rate of only (0.8%) and (1.7) , which compares favorably to all other prosthesis combinations reported in the Australian Registry.1 The new Apex Knee™ – TiN components use the same proven implant design with an advanced physical vapor deposition (PVD) technology. This results in a thin, smooth and dense 3 μm ceramic coating, which provides a hard, biocompatible barrier to limit CoCrMo ion particle release into the joint capsule. Simulation wear testing shows Apex Knee™ – TiN releases 98% less cobalt & 97% less chromium ions compared to non-coated implants.2 Additionally, the wetting and lubricating characteristics of this next generation coating has shown improvements in polyethylene wear properties and scratch resistance.2
We would like to congratulate Dr. Corey E. Ponder, Oklahoma City, OK who has recently completed his 50th TKR procedure, using Apex Knee™-TiN with the OMNIBotics® Predictive Balance™ robotic assisted surgery system.
"I have been proud to provide the OMNIBotics level of care to my patients and am excited to now offer Apex Knee TiN as an option for patients who have concerns with metal sensitivity. Early results from my patients have been outstanding and patients are pleased to have a robotic assisted knee that suits their needs." Said Dr. Corey E. Ponder, who has completed more than 5,000 robotic-assisted joint replacements. Thank you also to our local representation, Habakkuk who have supported Dr. Ponder and the successful evaluation of Apex Knee™-TiN.
For more information about Corin’s implants and technologies, please visit our solutions page.
For information about the Apex Knee™ – TiN and availability, please inquire with your local representative or contact us.*
*Data on file at Corin Group
1.Australian Orthopaedic Association, National Joint Replacement Registry – 2018 Annual Report
2.ENDOLAB Mechanical Engineering Test Data February 5th 2019